
Imbecile Test! Just How Dumb Are You?

Yes, these are all imbeciles. If this surprises you, then you are most certainly an imbecile hence can skip the test. I suppose you could say that you fell at the first hurdle already... you imbecile! You must have wondered at some point: am I dumber than I think I am? Much dumber? Am I intelligent at all? Just how sure can I be about my own views? Are they based in rational thought or stupidity? Do I even have my own views - or do I simply copy-paste other  people's  into my empty sponge-head? Have I been mislead by liars and fools? Am I one of those media sponges that believe the headlines? Do I get things right all the time? Half the time? Ever? Am I a brainwashed zombie or am I an independent thinker? Do I read between the lines or do I accept everything at face value like a sheep? Am I a bit of both? Do I think outside of the box, or I am inside it - a prisoner of my own stupidity, blissfully unaware of the real world that surrounds me? Even the most confident