
Showing posts with the label IQ test

Imbecile Test! Just How Dumb Are You?

Yes, these are all imbeciles. If this surprises you, then you are most certainly an imbecile hence can skip the test. I suppose you could say that you fell at the first hurdle already... you imbecile! You must have wondered at some point: am I dumber than I think I am? Much dumber? Am I intelligent at all? Just how sure can I be about my own views? Are they based in rational thought or stupidity? Do I even have my own views - or do I simply copy-paste other  people's  into my empty sponge-head? Have I been mislead by liars and fools? Am I one of those media sponges that believe the headlines? Do I get things right all the time? Half the time? Ever? Am I a brainwashed zombie or am I an independent thinker? Do I read between the lines or do I accept everything at face value like a sheep? Am I a bit of both? Do I think outside of the box, or I am inside it - a prisoner of my own stupidity, blissfully unaware of the real world that surrounds me? Even the most confident